Natura Amis

Natura Amis is a cosmetic and fragrance line for very young women inspired by friendship and all that it evokes: complicity, exchange, secrets, fun, freedom, beauty tips... The concept was to create sets of scents and accessories (lip gloss, solid perfume, eye shadow, bijou box) that could be entertaining, taken with everywhere and exchangeable among friends.

The packaging’s shape should be modular, relatively cheap or small (60 ml for the perfume), allow the appliance of great areas with graphics and different colors. The selected design solution is a clean cylinder with a bas-relief of the Natura logo applied on the cap, and some cute charms as detail.

Developed for Natura Cosmetics at Tatil Design | Brazil | 2012

“Aesthetic sensitivity, originality, methodology and knowledge of production processes. Suzana has contributed with great results according to our high level of demand.”

Fernanda Saboia | Associate and Creative Director | Tatil Design | Brazil

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